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Episode #065: Discussing Dyslexia with Jeannette Roberes

By Rosemarie Griffin

SLPs have such a broad scope. We get so much training in graduate school but creating specializations based on your passions really happens through your own research and work out in the field. So there are many areas that fall under the scope of speech therapy that not all SLPs understand completely or feel comfortable with. As my listeners know, Autism has become my area of focus, so I really did not have a lot of awareness or understanding about Dyslexia. This chat with Jeannette Roberes was so educating and informative for me.

Jeannette is an SLP, software engineer, and educator who specializes in Dyslexia. Dyslexia is a combination of characteristics involving reading, writing, and talking. An individual with Dyslexia is going to struggle in one or all of these areas. Symptoms can include late talking, slow to learn words, and a severe delay in reading.

Jeannette has made some great strides in advocating and educating on Dyslexia and how to support her students. She and her colleagues are working on a book to educate SLPs on how to appropriately assess, treat, and diagnose students presenting with Dyslexia.

Her tips for intervention for Dyslexia revolve around a multisensory structured language approach involving decoding, fluency training, vocabulary, and comprehension. She says that a successful session is tapping into the essential components of teaching reading. Jeanette talks about the big five: Phonemic Awareness, Alphabetic Principle, Fluency, Vocabulary, and Comprehension. When working with Dyslexia or any literacy based skill, books are your greatest resource, there are so many activities that can be planned around one book even over the course of 4 sessions. It also instills a love of reading that is so important.

Jeannette is really passionate about using diverse inclusive books in your literacy opportunities, because in our therapy sessions we are preparing students for a world in which they will interact with individuals who don’t always look like them. She calls books sliding glass doors, a stepping stone or path into a bigger world. She encourages families and therapists to read books reflecting both disabilities and different cultures.

You can find out more about Jeannette on all social media platforms by searching in Bearly Articulating and check out her book, Technical Difficulties: Why Dyslexic Narratives Matter In Tech, available on Amazon.

#autism #speechtherapy



Today’s Guest:

Jeannette Roberes is an author that has worked as a speech pathologist, software engineer and educator. She has spoken in over 40 countries and has earned recognition in The Washington Post and US News & World Reports, among other professional acknowledgements. Jeannette’s commitment to life-long learning is noted through her LETRS® Early Childhood facilitator certification and PROJECT READ® Curriculum certification. Her debut book Technical Difficulties: Why Dyslexic Narratives Matter In Tech has received starred reviews across Goodreads and Amazon. Jeannette is the Chief Academic Officer of Bearly Articulating and a board member of Smiles for Speech.

What’s Inside:

  • What is Dyslexia?
  • How to support students with Dyslexia.
  • How to embed literacy in speech sessions.
  • The importance of valuing diversity in literacy.

Mentioned In This Episode

Bearly Articulating Teaching Resources | Teachers Pay Teachers
Technical Difficulties: Why Dyslexic Narratives Matter In Tech eBook : Washington, Jeannette: Kindle Store
— ABA SPEECH Your Autism Resource 

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