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Language Activities For Students With Autism: Summer Guide

By Rosemarie Griffin

Work on language skills for students with autism is essential for helping them increase their functional communication skills! Discussing summer themed vocabulary is always fun, no matter the time of year! Maybe that is just me, as I live in Ohio and it snows for about 6 months out of the year-yikes!!

Our new summer language guide is a perfect way to address a variety of skills when the sun is shining bright. A great guide to use for in person therapy, teletherapy or as a resource to send home with parents.

Help your students work on functional labeling skills, by using real life pictures. Real life pictures are engaging and a wonderful way to help your students increase their labeling skills.

Other skills students will learn include matching, reading comprehension, conversation, vocabulary, synonyms, antonyms, multiple meaning words, social language skills and following directions.

As a school based therapist, I need materials that can serve students at a variety of language levels. I always make sure that each session, I am working on functional targets that will allow my students to practice language goals that are on their IEP. This direct practice gives them the opportunity to practice these skills!

I will also send this resource home with parents. As a parent to 3 little ones, I try to set up systems in my home, so that my own kids get to practice school skills throughout the summer months. I have a designated area in my house where I keep materials to help with this. Just grab and go! Sending this home with your parents will allow them that same easy to use system.

I developed a mini unit so that you could use this will your students. Just put your email below and your FREE mini summer unit will come right to your inbox.

Help your students increase their language skills and purchase the full workbook here.

Want to learn more about helping your students with autism increase their communication skills? Take our best-selling autism course and help your students increase their functional communication skills today.


  1. Audra Zarin

    Hi! What’s your sharing with families electronically policy for this product?

    • Rosemarie Griffin

      Thanks for the question Audra and I should have included that. The paid product you can share with parents individually in an email. The freebie you can share as will be helpful for your students.


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