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Boom Cards For Distance Learning Freebie: What Are They and Why Should You Care?

By Rosemarie Griffin

I did not know what a boom card was until about a week ago! I had heard the term used but didn’t really explore to find out more. Well that all changed recently! I have been gearing up to provide distance learning to my students and have heard many seasoned SLPs talking about Boom Cards

I visited the Boom Learning Site and was amazed at all of the wonderful and engaging products. Boom Cards allow for engaging and interactive lessons. They can be used for distance learning or face to face instruction.

They can be purchased at TPT or on the Boom Learning Site. I was so inspired by my new found LOVE of BOOM CARDS that I designed some decks.

I am sharing a free BOOM CARD DECK WITH YOU TODAY! This deck is a fill in the blank freebie! It includes 10 functional fill in the blank phrases and is perfect for any student who is working on beginning comprehension skills. It can also be great for working on labeling and as a game during a session! Just put in your email address at the bottom of this post and the freebie BOOM link will be sent to you.

I have also created some BOOM CARD decks for early learners. If your students are limited verbally or just starting to talk these are perfect! There are 50 real life pictures with one and two syllable words/phrases represented.

See a preview here.

Here are ways that you could use this set to help your students increase their communication skills.

  1. Use with students who are new to talking. Work on verbal imitation skills. The therapist shows the slide and says the word. The student imitates the word. This will help your students increase their verbal imitation skills.
  2. Use with students who are working on more complex targets. This can be a warm up that you use at the start of the session.
  3. Share a fast play pin with your students and the link to the deck. Parents can use this for 14 days ( it expires after 14 days) as a way to generalize communication skills to the home environment.

Help your students increase their verbal skills! See our full BOOM DECK HERE.


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