In Ohio you just never know what the weather is going to be!! When I wake up, it is winter. Then when I come out of work, it feels like Spring. ????
Wherever you are located, discussing the weather is always a functional lesson for kids of all ages and abilities!
I’ve created a free adapted book talking about weather in simple language to help children in preschool, kindergarten, and beyond with autism and/or language delays to begin making connections with weather based vocabulary and concepts.
This book contains real life pictures and simple text. It is great to show to your class for a group lesson during circle time, and just as easy to share in a speech teletherapy session, or if you are teaching special education online while students are distance learning at home with parental support.
Enter your email below and a copy the weather book will be sent to you so you can start using it today! Please feel free to share with others.