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Speech Therapy Activity: Focus on Comprehension & Expressive Language

By Rosemarie Griffin

Working with students who have trouble with comprehension questions and expressive language skills can be frustrating. It can be difficult to know where to start!!

A great first step is to try some fill in the blank phrases. Fill in the blank phrases can be used for familiar and functional phrases that we may say throughout the day.

Those of us using verbal behavior to teach language may refer to this as an intraverbal. Examples are filling in the blank or answering questions. They are the basis for reciprocal conversation. Intraverbals are the building blocks for engaging verbally with others.

When we embed these kinds of activities into our therapy sessions as SLPs and ABAs, it’s a great first step on a student’s journey to more complex comprehension skills!

You can use fill ins with toddlers, children in preschool, and kids with autism. They are perfect for any students struggling with comprehension, receptive or expressive language delays.

This free, no prep activity can be used today as a warm up to start an in person or teletherapy session. It’s also a helpful activity for teaching special education online or while students are distance learning with parental support at home.

Snag your fill in the blank freebie below! Make sure to follow ABA SPEECH on Instagram to see how I am using this strategy in therapy.


  1. Alla

    Thank you ☺️

  2. Allie



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