would benefit from increased independent leisure or play choices? Do you work
with students who would benefit from a simple and engaging activity? I am so
excited to share with you a wonderful set of apps from Inclusive Technology/Help Kidz Learn. What makes these apps so wonderful is that they are activated
by the touch of the screen and you can touch the screen anywhere! The stories
are engaging and delightful to watch. The student touches the screen and it advances the story. Check out this video I took to share the
awesome and ease of use of these apps.
the apps are free?! Hooray to that.
all about spending time in the sensory room.
vending machine. I love how the apps are about real life events that students may encounter on a frequent basis.
the self checkout at the grocery store. This app is great to show students before you use the self check out or to discuss this event after using it during a family or school outing.
entertaining and some are all about functional life routines our students may
experience often. So what are you waiting for – you need to try these out!
about modified leisure skills for early learners check out my webinar here. If
you are working with older students who have leisure needs, check out my
webinar about older students here.
before? Let me know which one is your favorite! Comment below or visit me at www.abaspeech.org.