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Ethical Marketing For Your Therapy Business: Tips and Strategies For Social Media and Email Marketing

In this webinar, participants will learn ethical guidelines for speech therapists and board-certified behavior analysts pertaining to social media use and email marketing. Lecture and videos will be used to convey this information.

● Participants will be able to list 2 ethical guidelines related to social media use for professionals.
● Participants will be able to state 5 ethical content ideas that can be used to market a therapy business
● Participants will be able to state 3 ways to use email marketing to support their therapy business

This is an ASHA and ACE Approved Course 

12:00-1:00 PM Eastern

Naturalistic Interventions For Autistic Learners – Getting Started

In this course, participants will learn about providing naturalistic interventions for autistic learners. The importance of this instruction and specific teaching strategies will be discussed.

  • Participants will be able to list 2 types of naturalistic interventions.
  • Participants will be able to define the concepts of environmental arrangement
    and balanced turns.
  • Participants will be able to state 5 sensory social routines that can be used in

This is a ASHA and ACE approved course.

7:00-8:00 PM Eastern

Consulting as a BCBA in Schools – The Alphabet Soup and the Ethical Code

Often it is said that the language, acronyms and terms in the field of Applied Behavior Analysis are cumbersome and difficult to understand. For some BCBAs, consulting in schools adds a whole new layer of language, acronyms and terms that are unfamiliar. This talk will highlight some of the key terms, how they apply to BCBAs, and how BCBAs can make sense of the terms in relation to the BACB Ethical Code.

Learning objectives 

  • Participants will be able to define some of the most important terms and concepts related to public schools and behavior.
  • Participants will understand how the concepts associated with terms found in public schools may affect their day to day work.
  • Participants will be provided with a framework to think about how the concepts and terms found in public schools fit into the BACB Ethical Code.

This is an ACE Approved course

12:00- 1:00 pm Eastern



Understanding and Managing Anxiety: A Behavioral Approach

In this program, we discuss anxiety, the most common category of disorders within the DSM. We will discuss common anxiety disorders, assessment and intervention strategies.

Learning Objectives:

  • Participants will be able to identify 3 signs of anxiety.
  • Participants will be able to define 3 effective interventions in managing anxiety disorders.
  • Participants will be able to state 3 treatment planning options.

This is an ASHA and ACE Approved Course

7:00-8:00 PM Eastern