Who else is ready for sunshine and warmer weather? I am going to help you prep for a summer full of fun activities. I will also give you ways to incorporate those social skills you have worked on all year long! I have put together a Summer Social Skills Resource...
Know Where To Start With Your Autistic Students A toolbox to help you get started in therapy Feel confident working with young autistic learners and know you’re making a difference. The first resource I want to talk about are the literacy companions for Brown...
Recipes! Do your children like to help in the kitchen? Who doesn’t! I have some fun and engaging no-prep activities to share with you! The recipe cards I have are so simple and functional! The activities can be used with almost any age and adapted to a variety...
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday! Today I am sharing with you some of my favorite Thanksgiving resources to use in therapy and to help you get ready for Thanksgiving! Let’s Talk Thanksgiving Thanksgiving adapted book with high resolution pictures. Age...
Jargon is literally defined as difficult to understand for people outside of the specific field. ABA jargon is definitely a challenge for individuals not in the field of applied behavior analysis. Working with students in the ABA setting requires the understanding of...