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Episode #144: Creating a Positive Work Atmosphere with Dr. Ellie Kazemi

Have you ever been in a position where you’ve only seen your supervisor or administrator when there is conflict? Dr. Ellie Kazemi, behavior analyst and keynote speaker, joins me to discuss the work environment and how to build a positive work atmosphere, whether that’s in an ABA clinic or in a school based setting.

What is crucial to a positive atmosphere? Shared values and open communication. These important ideals come up over and over again throughout Dr. Kazemi’s and my discussion. In order for teams to feel appreciated, psychologically safe, and have the desire for growth, they need administration and colleagues that promote transparency, shared values, and a framework to train resiliency for the ever changing systems.

If you’re a supervisor or administrator listening, consider how often and how naturally you’re making yourself available for conversations with your team. Dr. Kazemi emphasizes the point that there needs to be consistent, visible support from leadership.

Without these ideals, providers can face burnout, and even worse, the client can suffer. At the end of the day, we all want to make a difference and provide the best outcomes for our clients. The first step is creating a positive atmosphere for providers. 

You can find Dr. Ellie Kazemi on her website, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

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Today’s Guest:

As an internationally recognized behavior analyst, Dr. Kazemi is frequently sought after as a keynote speaker who inspires change and creative solutions. She has consulted on various international projects, such as in Norway and China. She has also led large-scale efforts as a Chief Science Officer in standard development, evaluation methodology, measurement science, outcome assessment, and value-based care at an accreditation organization. She is the founder of a successful self-supported graduate program in behavior analysis at CSUN, where she is tenured as a professor of psychology. As an entrepreneur, she is now the owner of her own company and provides executive coaching, innovation advisement, and training.

She is the leading author of “Fieldwork and Supervision for Behavior Analysts,” currently recognized as one of the primary sources for supervision training in the field of ABA. She has also published numerous peer-reviewed publications on training, turnover, conflict management, and leveraging advanced computer technology (e.g., A.I., V.R., and robotics) for simulation-based learning. She has been a principal investigator on large national multidisciplinary research grants (e.g., with FEMA and NASA) focusing on effective training and measuring outcomes. Her efforts have been recognized through several awards, such as the Best Mentor Award and the Outstanding Service to the Community Award. 

What’s Inside:

  • Top tips for creating a positive work environment.
  • The importance of shared values and open communication in any organization.
  • How to cultivate psychological safety.
  • The impact of the work environment on growth and investment in the mission.
  • The importance of supervisor and administrative visibility.

Mentioned In This Episode

Ellie Kazemi
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Ellie Kazemi on Instagram
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