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Episode #122: Survival Tips For Contentious IEP Meetings

Whether you are a seasoned professional, parent, or brand new to the field, IEP meetings are a reality when it comes to school based settings. With over 20 years of experience, I have 5 top tips to keep you positive, prepared, and confident no matter the tone of the meeting.

  1. Have your special education director or administrator present – Sometimes lawyers and advocates are going to attend the meeting; in that event, make sure you have support on your side beyond your building principal.
  2. Complete a robust assessment AND/OR be comfortable with most recent assessment – Check out my prior episode on assessments like the PFA, Rossetti, VB-Mapp, Communication Matrix, and more.
  3. Include baseline data – This demonstrates a need for a goal. Be specific with accuracy and dates to track goals and progress.
  4. Send a draft home for a review – I recommend a week prior, but every district is different. The parent needs a chance to review and give feedback with their home team, and then you have a chance to receive and consider that feedback prior to the meeting or be prepared to discuss more during the IEP.
  5. Be prepared, remain calm, be professional, and seek help – You deserve to be treated with respect and do not have to accept verbal abuse, even during difficult and contentious IEP meetings.

If you ever need extra support, whether you’re a parent or professional, I am here, and you can book a coaching call with me. Not every IEP meeting will be warm and fuzzy, but we can live in a world where we do not dread them! 

#autism #speechtherapy

What’s Inside:

  • Do you dread IEP meetings?
  • 5 survival tips for a positive IEP meeting.
  • When to seek support in an IEP meeting.
  • What to know about assessments prior to an IEP meeting.
  • Why is a draft SO important before an IEP meeting.
  • Why do contentious IEP meetings occur?

Mentioned In This Episode

Autism Outreach Podcast – Episode 54: Autism Assessments
Book a coaching call with Rose
Get Your Free Autism Toolbox

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