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Episode #111: Matrix Training with Dr. Sarah Frampton

Dr. Sarah Frampton, an assistant professor at the University of Nebraska – Omaha joins me today as we discuss her work with Matrix Training. Dr. Frampton also refers to it as Matrix “Planning”, this is a generative approach to therapy that can help learners acquire new skills and improve their communication.

Matrix Training involves arranging words in a matrix so that some multi-word phrases are taught directly, while others emerge through indirect teaching. This approach involves creating a table of related targets and components and then moving forward with training and probing. The key benefit of this approach is the ability to identify and prevent faulty stimulus control in tact training.

Age is not a barrier to using Matrix Training because it is based on a solid foundation. This approach is best suited for learners who are acquiring single-component tacts and listening skills, with a provider who has found a teaching style and process that works best for them. Learners who will find Matrix Training most effective are typically at Level 2 of the VB-Mapp or around 18 to 30 months developmentally. 

The basics of Matrix Training are simply selecting targets, teaching targets, and then assessing targets. There are no restrictions on how to use and teach with Matrix Training, and it can be embedded into a naturalistic teaching context or any other context that works best for the student.

Dr. Frampton emphasizes that Matrix Training is a systematic and science-based tool that can be incredibly effective for therapy planning. When done well, therapy sessions can even look and feel like play. 

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Today’s Guest:

Dr. Sarah Frampton has worked clinically with individuals with disabilities for over 16 years in a variety of service models and settings. She worked in the Language and Learning Clinic at the Marcus Autism Center under Dr. Alice Shillingsburg. Her most recent clinical role was as the Director of Clinical Services and Training for the Children’s Services division of the May Institute. Sarah completed her master’s degree in education at California State University Sacramento under the advisement of Dr. Caio Miguel and her doctoral degree in behavior analysis at Simmons University under the advisement of Dr. Judah Axe. Sarah recently transitioned to a faculty position as an assistant professor at the University of Nebraska Omaha. Sarah’s primary research interests relate to teaching new skills to individuals with and without disabilities. She’s published over 25 articles across major behavior analytic journals and serves on several editorial boards. On weekends, you’ll find her snuggled up on the couch with her husband and two kids.

What’s Inside:

  • The benefit of Matrix Training and Planning.
  • How to prevent faulty stimulus control in tact training.
  • A systematic approach to selecting, teaching, and assessing targets.
  • Science-based tool for therapy planning.

Mentioned In This Episode

Sarah Frampton | Department of Psychology | University of Nebraska Omaha
ABA Speech: Learn About Current ASHA and ACE CEUs

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