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Favorite Preschool Therapy Tools

By Rosemarie Griffin

Favorite Preschool Therapy Tools

Preschoolers are so ready to engage in the world of speech therapy! Preschoolers with autism will benefit from working with resources specifically tailored to their needs and ABA Speech has those tools! Some of my favorite preschool therapy tools are adapted books or flashcards that use real-life images and simple text to really engage our preschool learners with autism. Check out a few of my favorite preschool therapy tools now! 

Actions at Home Adapted Book

This adapted book is perfect to use at home with parents or family and great to use in therapy too making it a favorite for sure. The adapted book has some incredible photographs that are engaging and relevant to our preschool learners. The simple text describes each image. The book can easily be used on an IPad or printed out and it is all about actions you do at home daily! A great review from Michelle K. from March 14, 2021, says, “I used this for a student who is being taught at home by his family during the Covid pandemic.  The pictures are clear and easy to interpret, and the activity is engaging.  The setup is easy for the family to use with their child.” We all know how difficult therapy was during the pandemic shutdown, making this review everything! Get your copy to use today here!

Let’s Talk Breakfast

Another adapted book that is perfect to use in therapy is all about breakfast! This book is such a fun way to discuss all of the yummy things we can eat for breakfast. Let’s Talk Breakfast is a great resource that can be printed, or shown electronically too. You can even use this on a Smart Board! Who doesn’t love to talk about delicious food? Let’s Talk Breakfast is a great tool for beginning to label foods, including fill-in-the-blanks and social language questions too! The real-life images are perfect for preschoolers! Some of the fill-in questions are, “For breakfast I eat… or “On my pancakes I put…” and an example of a social question is, “What do you like to eat for breakfast?” The adapted book is an exceptional tool. Just take a look at this review from Rita W. She said, “These books are great for a particular student I see with autism.” This is definitely a favorite! Get it here!

Autism Flashcards: Toys and Play Items

Autism Flashcards: Toys and Play Items is a perfect set of flashcards to practice learning about different functional toys and play items. Labeling multiple examples of toys and play items has been shown to help students with the generalization of language skills. Examples include crayons, books, and backpacks, but the set includes 90 flashcards with great real-life photographs!  The functional labels are truly a powerful tool to work with students in therapy to help your students generalize their language skills! Sara C. left this incredible review, “Used these flashcards during remote learning with some of my preschoolers. Nice, engaging, real photos are great! Thanks.” Sara used the flashcards with PreK students on the autism spectrum! Autism Flashcards are a genuinely fantastic tool to use with your preschoolers in therapy so grab them here!


Working with preschoolers with autism in therapy is such a rewarding experience. Looking for even more preschool tools? I have a bundle available of even more resources available for you all together in one pretty impactful bundle. Take a look!  Make your impact even more powerful with these 3 favorite preschool therapy tools today! 


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