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First Autism Connection

By Rosemarie Griffin

What an exciting opportunity coming soon with our new LIVE event, Autism Connection!! ABA Speech is partnering with Sasha Long, founder and president  of the Autism Helper Inc., for our inaugural event, Autism Connection! The event is chock full of tons of actionable information for special education teachers, SLPs, behavior analysts, parents, paraprofessionals, clinicians, and anyone else looking to better support learners with autism! This event is going to be huge! Not only will participants walk away with a wealth of knowledge, but this is also a Continuing Education Unit (CEU) Event! More info on how to earn CEUs below! The First Autism Connection will be live through Zoom on March 12th. Don’t miss this one!


The first Autism Connection has put together and allstar group of professionals along with some tremendously helpful sessions for participants. The sessions will all be live and through Zoom! 

  • First up is the “Welcome Session” with me, Rose from ABA Speech, and Sasha Long. We cannot wait to provide you with actionable strategies to start using immediately with learners with autism. 
  • The second session, hosted by Sasha Long, is “Make the Environment a Tool, not an Obstacle.” Sasha will lead this session with some incredible ideas about setting up your learning environment to make it more productive for learners with autism and make your job easier! Decrease negative behavior and increase academic success with this toolbox of strategies! 
  • “The Performative Power of Language in Therapeutic Spaces’ ‘ is up third and is led by Mari Cerda. Dive into the language of neurodivergent and neurodiversity and what they really mean to your learners with autism. This session will tackle research including the DisCrit theory and really start pulling apart the systemic frameworks of oppression to increase our ability to help learners with autism succeed in a non-biased setting.
  • “Modified Play and Leisure Skills for Preschool and Elementary Aged Students” is up next with yours truly, Rose from ABA Speech! Can’t wait for this one! This session will be incredibly powerful in understanding the importance of building social skills and leisure play for our youngest learners with autism! Walk away with some tried and true ideas to use immediately in your practice!
  • Next up is “AAC Intervention: Supporting Communication Partners and AAC Users” with Kate Grandbois. AAC interventions can be trickier than other communicative interventions. This session will be so helpful in gaining some helpful ideas for working with students with autism that use AAC! Don’t let AAC be intimidating, make it more natural with this session!
  • Lastly, we have “The Best Kept Secrets of Collaborative IEP Goal Writing” with special education teacher Stephanie DeLussey. This session will give concrete advice on how to write an IEP, but also connect it to measurable standards including real life standards and your state standards. 

Meet the Presenters!

Curious about the presenters? Of course you are! We compiled a group that encompasses the best of all possible worlds to guide this course to provide exceptional information for working with learners with autism. 

First up, Sasha Long, BCBC, M.A., and founder and president of The Autism Helper, Inc. Sasha is a board certified behavior analyst and former special education teacher. She is a wealth of information.

Rose Griffin (That’s me)! Just in case you’re new to the blog, I am Rose Griffin MA, CCC/SLP BCBA, is an ASHA certified Speech-Language Pathologist and BCBA. Feel free to check out the website for more great information from ABA Speech!

Kate Granbois is an SLP/BCBA with 15 years of clinical experience working in private practice, outpatient clinics, outpatient hospital settings, and consulting private schools and legal teams. She specializes in AAC and autism! 

Stephanie DeLussey is a dual-certified special ed teacher, Master IEP Coach®, author, & teacher mentor. IEPs are Stephanie’s bread and butter!

Mari Cerda is a Meso-Indigenous woman, late dx Autist, wife, mom of 3, and board-certified, trauma-informed behavior analyst who coaches  on all topics including Neurodivergent! 

Let’s Talk CEUs!

Autism Connection is a great opportunity to earn some CEUs. You MUST attend live to earn the credits, but they will be available through a link after the event and you will be issued a certificate! There will be 3 links shared, so you can make sure to get the appropriate credit! You are encouraged to do the evaluation immediately but it will be open until March 22. You can earn ASHA CEUs, ACR or CE credits. Teachers can also earn 5 continuing education hours, but check with your school district first! BCBAs, you can earn 5 CEUs because ABA Speech is an AEC provider! 
The time is now to get registered! Early bird pricing is available now until February 27, for just $99.00. The price increases after that! Come learn the best practices for learners with autism and gain evidence based strategies to improve your craft. Autism Connection will be multidisciplinary with experts in the field and an insanely helpful course for anyone working with learners with autism! Check out the link to register today!


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