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Speech Therapy Data Binder

By Rosemarie Griffin

I wanted to give you a peek inside my speech therapy data binder. I know that there are new and fancy ways to organize things- but I am old school in that way! I like to keep a binder. Take a peek inside my binder!

For each student I keep their IEP handy. I love to have this information so that I know the exact goals, objectives and timelines. This is the first item in my data binder.

The next item in my data binder is this amazing free resource from Jenna Rayburn Kirk at Speech Room News. Each year she updates it! It is a calendar for the year. At the top, I write the student’s name. I also write how much therapy they get per week or month. Each time I see the student, I circle this on the calendar. If the student is sick or if I am out for some reason, this can be noted as well. These are a lifesaver!

Next up is the data sheet. For some students, I am the only person keeping data on a particular goal or objective. I create data sheets that allow me to gather specific information with ease. Put your email below to get this data sheet.

Give this freebie webinar a listen to learn more about how I use these data sheets.

Another potential item located next is a skill tracking sheet. This form allows us to gather data about specific targets addressed and the timelines involved. If we are working on labeling, we can note that at the top with the correct goal and/or objective. We can note when the specific target was baselined and when it met mastery criterion. These make progress reports a breeze! Put your email below to get our handy skill tracking sheet.

Last but not least is a communication log. I keep a running record of any phone conversations with other team members or parents.

Staying organized can be tough, but these resources help me do what I love the most- help every child strengthen their communication skills!

Have a question about how I collect data or organize things- don’t hesitate to contact me at


  1. Cece DeHoyos

    I just finished your Build and Generalize (#8275) on Great information! I would like a copy of the simple and complex data sheets you discussed in the course.

    Kind regards,


    • Rosemarie Griffin

      Thanks for the note and so happy you enjoyed the course. I will send that along to your email – thanks!

      • C

        I would also like a copy please – thank you!


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