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Episode #070: Gratitude and Mindful Habits with Marie Muratalla

Are you feeling stressed? Are you feeling like you just can’t achieve that work-life balance? May tends to be a tough time for many providers, educators, and even parents. Today I talk with Marie Muratalla, SLP, Podcaster, Mindset Coach, and creator of the Say Thanks More Gratitude Journal.

Like many of us, in 2020 when the COVID shut down began, Marie struggled to bear the weight of her job. In a time when your job was no longer what it was, she battled her personal identity and where that separated from her work identity. This began her business, grounded in the practice of gratitude in which she was always passionate about, Marie created Thanks More Gratitude Journals and advocated for the use of mindful habits to set boundaries and create joy.

Marie’s Mindful Habits

  1. Daily Gratitude Practice: Try journaling or starting small by writing down one thing you’re thankful for. It can be at any part of your day and can be as simple as a dedicated 5 minutes during your morning coffee or before bed.
  2. Morning Meditation: Marie practices 3 minutes of meditation each morning, it doesn’t have to be the same amount of time. It can be whatever works for you. But locking that time in to ground yourself and let go of all other thoughts for just a moment is so important.
  3. Bring Presence into your Routine: Whether it’s even yoga, affirmations, journaling, meditation….Set intentions and a time to be present for yourself. Marie shared some great apps that she uses to build these routines into her day.

Something so many struggle with is work-life balance. Marie’s number one solution to this is setting boundaries. It can be hard but try to focus on where you are at the moment, and not bring thoughts about work home or into your weekend. For Marie, this means removing her work email from her phone and being firm with colleagues when they ask her questions outside of work.

Mindfulness and gratitude practices are research based and are proven to reduce stress and increase joy and productivity. Studies have shown that by participating in a gratitude practice, like journaling, you are increasing serotonin levels and decreasing cortisol levels. This practice reduces stress because you are able to take ownership of your emotions and feelings and you are putting it into a safe place.  The more you practice these, the more you bring yourself to that balance present place.

Try these tips yourself by introducing these positive habits one small step at a time. If you’d like to learn more about Marie Muratalla or the Say Thanks More Community, you can find her at her website or on social media.

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Today’s Guest:

Marie, although some call her Morris, is an adventurer, speech therapist (in a preschool setting), podcaster, and the founder of the Say Thanks More community and creator of the Say Thanks More gratitude journal. In summary, she wears many hats throughout her days and she wouldn’t change a single thing. Most importantly, she’s here for YOU. She’s here to encourage you to live your best life through gratitude & mindful habits as your mindset coach. Whether you’re at the beginning or middle of your mindfulness journey, Marie is here to provide you guidance and resources to support you in being your most authentic, highest, and best self. Check out the Say Thanks More Gratitude Journal and Mindset Workshop opportunities to get connected.

What’s Inside:

  • How can a daily gratitude practice benefit your mindset?
  • How can you shift your mindset to create balance with work?
  • Tips for creating mindful habits in your daily life.
  • How burnout can create stress in work and life.
  • How a mindshift set can effectively reduce burnout and benefit mental health.
  • Why it is important to set boundaries to create work life balance.

Mentioned In This Episode

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Marie (@thanksmorris) on TikTok
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I am – Daily Affirmations on the App Store
Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones
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